The power of self-expression is usually enabled through spoken words, songs, artworks, and dance, but do you know this feature can also be utilized through bold statement t-shirts? Nowadays, people would rather have mantras, personal views, and witty comments plastered across their shirts. Not only feelings and personal opinions can be expressed through t-shirts, but also peaceful protests and political campaigns make use of this t-shirt trend to promote such activities.
"2020, the commencement of a marvellous decade", was what we all thought towards the end of December 2019. I'm pretty sure that thought has been extinguished at the onset of numerous problems. Nevertheless, fashion hasn't stopped its journey to discovering unique and fascinating styles amidst the current issues.
Here are the trending t-shirts of 2020 that managed to surf at the top of the list.
Floral Designs
Floral designs have taken the world by storm in the fashion industry, and these designs comprise the arrangement of flowers to create an appealing and aesthetic composition. As though it may seem that floral designs deviate from masculinity, these designs are suitable for both genders. Flowers symbolize various things ranging from beauty to growth. Floral designs are usually placed in a position meant to embellish quotes or phrases on such t-shirts.
Artists Artworks
T-shirts can be used for campaigns and self-expression, but did you know that famous artists have relocated their center of display from social media to t-shirts? That's right! Famous artists now display their great artworks on t-shirts!!! How cool is that? I'd suggest if you're an artist you should try this method out because this is an opportunity to market your products just by wearing them.
Oversized Back Prints
Wherever you are on this earth, you've probably heard about VSCO girls (that is if you're not living under a rock). By knowing a few things about them, one unique thing you can point out is their sense of style, and how they love to go aesthetic, one thing they usually go for is oversized back prints on oversized products including t-shirts. Printing designs in a massive way gives the opportunity to pay attention to the intricacy and discreet details.
Abstract Designs
This next t-shirt design is very similar to the aforementioned bold statement t-shirt trend but tends to attract artsy types of people. Also, it introduces the idea of graphic design. The Abstract T-shirt trend is also designed to convey messages and phrases, focusing on the visual expression of such messages to an eye-catching extent.
Rainbow Designs
Finally, we have the rainbow in t-shirts designs; these types of designs are going viral each minute. They portray peace, amiableness, joy, hope, wonder, and so on. Fashion designers usually accompany such rainbow designs with words or phrases and even quotes that are precious to the heart.
Did any of these trends blow you away? I'm a hundred percent sure about these trends fully accomplishing that, and I sure know that they will influence you into adding a touch of these trends to your wardrobe. That's it on the t-shirt trends of 2020, and be sure to update your wardrobe in accordance with this list.